Journal page...abstract portrait.  Sarcasm...politically inspired ex:  Romney...shut the Feck up!!!!!   Obama, you're Fawesome!!! 


Another one of yesterdays assignments, to sketch, and shade an animal!  Misty is certainly pushing us out of our comfort zones, and I couldn't be happier about it. Tomorrow onto clay and sculpture.......I'm having a blast!!!!!
This started out as a male Lion whose mane was my focus, but in the translation... lion made it clear she was female, AND wanted some "bling" to boot! 

Fork in the road

"I had set up tent

digging stakes long and deep;

squarely into the point,where fork meets the road.

Is that it?
Doth Thou answer?
Do I go...
left or right?
Same old question I ask,
day into night.
Yes, time - it does matter, 
for it does not stand still.
Flies rather quickly,
unlike climbing a hill.
Faster than light?....or maybe
possibly, it's the other way round.
Get up, and start walking,
face the road strong and tall.
Travel that road, though 
you'll stumble and fall.
Turn your face from the mirror,
forgetting old lines.
Age does bring some wisdom,
and with it some rhymes. 

by Gloria Martin


........and I'm feelin good!!!!!

I'm posting two quick sketches, both done during this first week of the New Year.  I wasn't thinking about anything in particular while drawing either one - or so I assumed - but after some introspection, and the serendipitous quote I stumbled upon quickly thereafter.......... I realized I could fill five books worth of journal pages, simply from the unconscious contemplation that manifested itself so primitively in these sketches!!!!

sketch #1
  sketch #2

here is the quote....

Consciousness: The Black Hole of Neuroscience

"The simplest description of a black hole is a region of space-time from which no light is reflected and nothing escapes. The simplest description of consciousness is a mind that absorbs many things and attends to a few of them. Neither of these concepts can be captured quantitatively. Together they suggest the appealing possibility that endlessness surrounds us and infinity is within."
Megan Erickson 

It's gonna be a great year!!!!!!