Well the night has finally arrived. I want to thank e.b. for her wonderful idea. I've had such a great time preparing for the ball. It couldn't have come at a better time for me. Thank you, thank you, thank you.......from the bottom of my heART.
Favorite ways of expressing myself are through personal journals and art. So of course I combine the two. Whether I use magazine clippings, photographs, or my own sketches and paintings, I find that my visual interpretations liberate a stubborn left brained inhibition which makes verbal translation much less interactive or desirable for me. It is the uncomfortable stressing I do over using just the right words, the correct spelling and the appropriate grammar, even if the words are meant "for my eyes only."
So just imagine how I am feeling in an arena where anyone can see. On the other hand art is simple. It's one of the first things we all experienced and enjoyed doing as children. Art just happens. It flows, it soothes, it heals.
Take for example my current project "Faith." (photo's in right hand column) She began as an instrument of prayer and meditation. There are volumes of unspoken deeply intense words, thoughts and emotions symbolized through her. Every dot of pen, ink and color, every stitch and every bead denotes a part my sentiments.
I will continue to share the progression of this piece, in love, honor and memory of Cheryl.
I am also quite sure that I will, more often than not, use this blogging forum in that same context. It will become my vehicle for personal expression through visual representations of feelings, opinions, aspects and large doses of frivolity, since pictures all speak a universal language. On occasion I will also include a literary quote or two meant to inspire, provoke and amuse.
The art, a majority of it made by me, and some, if permitted to include, created by my very talented friends, artisans I greatly admire and respect. The quotes, borrowed from writers and scholars. Some anonymous, some not. Yet all extremely eloquent and insightful, at least in my opinion.