I've been sketching faces for most of my life. Our faces tell our stories, and sketching is how I express my own emotions, and philosophies. Thing is ...at times I focus my attention on "practicing" rules, aiming for "pretty" ~ inevitably resulting in distraction from truth and purpose.
This past month I participated in an online workshop given by Katie Kendrick where the focus is placed on intuitive creating. NO rules!!!!!! Just simple, honest, absolute creativity. Art, is exactly that, a humble expression of the story telling within. It is the sense of lightness, the Divine euphoria achieved when the ego steps away, and all that remains is intuition, primal instinct.

I have never appreciated art more than during this time in my life, and I love art in every form. Watching pieces come to life in an abstract, metaphysical, unabashed, non-judgmental fashion... liberation at it's finest!!! Thank you my dearest Katie.
Gloria, your work is so beautiful - I'm thrilled to have been a part of your creative expansion and exploration - thank you! xo
i'm right there with you doll face! it just started happening more and more for me as time went on. annnd, i couldn't have said it better than this post. i am thrilled for you! sigh, how i wish we could quietly (and then not so quietly) sit together and paint INTUITIVELY! xoxo
Love this-your lady and the post.
Your words are as poetic as your sensitive drawing, Gloria. It is wonderful to share this passion of creating with you...love, Rose
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