Today, like many of you, I am experiencing a myriad of emotions. From way, way up - to the occasional knot in my stomach.
My journal page is a reflection of all the things I'm feeling and would like to say.
Go with the flow, is what I'm thinking.
Whatever direction the wind chooses to blow, I'm going to keep sinking my bare feet into the sand, while enjoying the wind in my hair, and allowing the sun to shine brightly in my eyes, despite the random cloud. At the very least.... I'm gonna try.
"I bend, but I don't break"
Thank you to Cristina Ceppas for your inspirational black and white photograph upon which this painting is based. And to Misty.....................gratitude, gratitude, gratitude.
I sound like I just won an Oscar, but the truth is, that's just one of the many emotions of today.
and on that note I'll say----- PHIL, this one's for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much Gloria. what a great surprise on an older post. consider yourself tagged darlin'. i looked at some more of your blog and see, like me, you wouldn't guess what age we were by our work...esp. you, i love your youthfull side that shows. your latest too, i just love. xo wanda
hi gloria -
i have been checking in on your "misty" posts and i adore all of them. keep it coming girl.
misty will be doing a work shop in my area in the spring, and i'm thinking of making the commitment to sign on.
great job-
Hi Gloria,
I've just found your site through Wanda. I think your work is great! This one is a favorite! So original and a really good job on the figure!
Oh, this is incredible!! great work.
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